Bindery for the N3wb

I taught a little zine-making workshop at a small convention on the East Coast whose name I have forgotten. Which is too bad because it was a fun show, the show runners were super nice and helpful. The original was made as a slit-8 style zine and the people at the workshop got a copy that was still a flat sheet so they got to make it themselves.
Creator: Angela Boyle
Publication Date: 2016
Format: BW, 3 pages
Drawn using Carbon Platinum fountain pen, lettered in InDesign.
Links from the text
I wish I could remember where I found these. Some I own (indicated with an asterisk), but the others?
- Cover to Cover: Creative Techniques for Making Beautiful Books, Journals, & Albums by Shereen LaPlantz*
- How to Make Books: Fold, Cut, and Stitch Your Way to One-of-a-Kind Books by Esther K. Smith
- The Penland Book of Handmade Books: Master Classes in Bookmaking Techniques by Lark Books
- The Art & Craft of Handmade Books by Shereen LaPlantz
- Interlocking and Woven Book Structures by Claire Van Vliet
Amazing Binders
People to keep an eye on, at least at the time I wrote this.
- Beth Hetland (I was her and Luke Howard’s TA for a CCS Cartoon Studio summer workshop and we taught an extra evening class specifically on cool binding techniques.)
- Jon Chad (He and Luke Howard taught Publication Workshop when I attended The Center for Cartoon Studies.)
- Anita Boyle (Okay, so she’s my mom. I’d have to include her skills in a list like this, right?)
- Sarah Smith, Book Arts Special Instructor, Dartmouth (While attending CCS, we got to take a class on bookmaking at Dartmouth. She was a great instructor. We got to make a letterpress broadside where each of us got to lay out the text for a single line. I have it somewhere.)
- Luke Healy (He was the TA when I took a CCS Cartoon Studio summer workshop. It all comes full circle.)