Worky Turkey
a cross-stitch pattern

The phone’s ringing. The computer won’t stop beeping about new email. Someone enters wearing only enough clothes to avoid a write-up from HR. Smacking their lips around lunch, they drip jelly onto your favorite cardigan. And your chair has started to randomly unlock and try to tip you onto the floor. Working from home is pure havoc.
It’s time you took that chaos in hand. Give it a good shake and toss it out the door. Warn others that the same neck-wringing will hold true for them. This lovingly crafted sign on your office door proves you’ve stabbed something over 18,000 times. And you can do it again.
This cross stitch pattern includes the chart in color, color with symbols, and only black-and-white. The pattern originally featured in Angela Boyle’s short story “Hamish Rose Garden,” which is also available in her store.
Pattern for personal use only.
Creator: Angela Boyle
Publication Date: May 2023
Format: 5 pages, letter